- Iain turned 8 months old two days before Christmas.
- Leslie and Chris and their son Gabe came to visit from VA. So the boys could be together for their first Christmas together.
- Most of Brian's siblings were here for the holiday. It was so much fun having them here to celebrate the season.
- Brian got a job. And he started training for it on December 27th. (Only down side to this job is it is 5 weeks long. Who knows it may be longer).
- Our son has been trying so hard to learn to walk. He almost has it. (He will be walking sometime next month for sure).
- Iain is saying so much now...like Dada, Baba, Mama, Gaga, and the like. Though he doesn't know that Dada and Mama stand for Brian and I just yet.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Our first Christmas 2009
This was a Christmas to remember...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thinking I might try Go-Lacta
So I'm thinking about trying this supplement to see if I can get my breast milk back. I've read that some women who have stopped nursing can get their milk back after taking Go-Lacta. I'm hoping that I'll be able to increase my milk supply. So we'll see if this works.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I'm hoping...and praying...
- That the new year brings Brian a fantastic job. That will give us some security and just maybe a bit more flexibility.
- That we will be able to get out of debt.
- That I will be able to become pregnant with our second child.
- That Brian will be able to go back to school.
- And maybe a little house that we can call ours.
- That Brian and I will get to go to the temple more often
- That we will become pregnant sometime next year.
- That we can visit my family in VA more often.
- That Brian will get into either BYU or BYU-I.
- That Iain will sleep through the night sometime soon.
- That I get into either BYU or BYU-I.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Yesterday I turned 26, and it made me think about my many birthdays before this one, about how far I've come since my childhood, and how blessed I am.
I didn't always have the best birthdays when I was a child. But looking back on them today I realize that they were the birthdays that I needed to have so that I could become the teenager that I would become.
As a teenager, I was able to enjoy friends who were willing to throw birthday parties for me (with my help but I always thought that it was for someone else. Silly me). Those years showed me what kind of adult I wanted to become. Now that I've been an adult for a couple of years I'm glad that I have all these wonderful examples in my life.
After I met the man that I was going to spend eternity with, birthdays took on a different feel, it was no longer all about me on my birthday I needed to think about my husband. I had responsibilities that I had to take care of everyday even on my birthday. Though Brian has always tried do everything, so that I was able to enjoy myself by being able to relax. I never wanted too.
The year after we were married, we found out that I was pregnant and we were going to be parents. Birthdays were forever changed, they took on a new meaning. Because the year my son was born I knew I was going to be a mommy to a 7 month old and I was going to have to take care of his everyday needs. My birthday was not just about me this year and for all the years to came. I hope that as our son gets older that I can teach him what birthdays are really about. They aren't about what you get but the people that are around you to celebrate with you.
I'm blessed to have my family, the family that I grew up with, and the family I married into; the gospel; a loving husband and a sweet son; and a loving Heavenly Father who sent me down to earth when He did and for all that he has given me and continues to give to my family and me.
As we enter the Christmas season I hope to see past the gifts and all the worldly things, so that I can teach my son the true meaning of the season.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My baby is turning into a Toddler
This is a bit late but while we were still in VA, the Sunday, before Thanksgiving, Iain learned to pull himself to up. Iain had only been crawling for about 2 1/2 weeks, and now he is trying to clime on the furniture and go up the stairs. Did I forget to mention that the next day he turned 7months old.
He pulls himself up on everything now, seriously nothing stops him (well except Grandma Marlene because she doesn't want to see him fall).
My sweet baby is into everything all the time. Iain thinks its a game to find new ways to get to the DVDs and Wii games, which are his favorite.
The Sunday, after Thanksgiving, Nov.29th, we went to visit Leslie and Chris at their house. Iain was standing between Leslie's legs, (you know when you're siting on the couch and you stick your legs out in front of you and let the baby stand up on their own without killing your arms from holding them up), Iain decided to walk down to her legs and when he got to her feet he looked back at us and than took 4 running steps pasted her feet, than fall on his butt. Iain was so very proud of himself, but Leslie, Chris, Brian, and I were all shocked that he did that.
Yet another reason I say that we are in trouble. Iain is doing things so fast and so early.
On the teething front...Iain is working on his third tooth but his first top one.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Made it to VA
The plane part of our trip was uneventful. Iain was a dream for the flight. He slept for take off, both of them, and aafter he wake up, all he wanted to do was talk to everyone and bounce on Momma.
The people that we sat next to said he was a dream and so good. They would love to sit by more babies that were like him. One gentalman said that he was a very intellent little boy by the way he was trying to figure out how to open the object he was holding. and the fact that he was stacking some of his toys on the tray in front of his. When we landed in DC he asked if he could carry one of my carryons to bagage claim. I ahad the stroller adn car sit at the front of the plane so he didn't have to carry it too far. But it was vey kind of him to offer a complet stranger help.
At bagage claim, we were surprised by my Dad. I thought that I would have to call them and than wait till they got there. But I was glad that. Dad took the stroller and was talking to Iain and playing with him the entire time I was trying to figure out why my suitecase wasn't on the convarerbelt. The employies of the airport had moved it to an office beacuse I had taken to long to get out there to claim it after our plane landed. (Sorry for having to change a daiper). But I found it and we went out side to wait for my mom.
My parents are so excited to see us, but most of all they are just excited to see Iain. He is the real reason that they are excited. I would be ecited too if I were them. I know they love me and want me here for Thanksgiving but he's their grandson and he's the first. After we got to the house PJ wanted to hold Iain. And Iain loves his uncle PJ. My Momma made hwer beef stew, which I love and we had dinner. Iain was so wirered and so excited that we let him play with the toys thst Poppop and Gram (my parents want to be call that) got for him to play with. But Iain was more interested in the dogs and their toys. (Who knew). Neither dog would have anything to do with him at that moment. We than got him ready for bed and he fall asleep and I wan't to far behind him. Ar 3am, Iain wake up scared beacuse he didn't reconize the moblie above him, so I picked him up and brought him to bed with me. And we slept till 8:30am. (Which if you know Iain is unheard of. If wakes up at 6:30 and wants to play).
Friday, November 20th, Allie and Mallory came by to visit for a little while. We took some great pictures. My dad called his parents to see if they wanted to go out to dinner with us. They said yes of course. So after Allie and Mallory left, we drove to the Macoroni Grill at Fairfax Corner. Iain was such a ham most of the night. First of all my dad held him in his lap while we were ordering our meal, feeding Iain bread, which he loves, I guess dad wasn't giving him bread fast enough so Iain grabs the slice that dad was holding and stuffs his month. (It was so funny). If you have ever been to the Maccoroni Grill, you know that there is an employee that sings, Iain couldn't take his eyes off of her. He loves all types of music. My grandparents got the biggest kick out of him. They love his cheeks and all the faces that Iain makes. Basicly they are just in love with their great-grandson (now they want a great-grand daughter, beacuse my parents want a grand daughter now too. I have told them not for a little while and there is no gerentee that the next baby we have will be a girl, so be happy with Mister Iain). After dinner we came back home and Iain stayed up playing with Poppop till 10minutes to midnight.
I'll post more about our first couple of days in VA later on, little man is a wake.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tag Your It...
1. Where is your cell phone? Here
2. Where is your significant other? Bed
3. Your hair color? Blonde
4. Your mother? VA
5. Your father? VA
6. Your favorite thing? Crafting
7. Your dream last night? Being pregnant
8. Your dream/goal? Writing
9. The room you're in? Loft
10. Your hobby? Croqueting
11. Your fear? Spiders
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Stable
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you're not? Asleep
15. One of your wish-list items? House
16. Where you grew up? VA
17. The last thing you ate? Chips
18. What are you wearing? Sweats
19. Your TV? Wide screen
20. Your pet? N/A
21. Your computer? Gateway
22. Your mood? Happy
23. Missing someone? Family
24. Your car? Ford
25. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
26. Favorite store? Micheal's
27. Your summer? Hot
28. Love someone? Lots
29. Your favorite color? Pink
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Week ago
I award the following people with the "I love your blog award" and in so doing tag them to complete the above questions with one word answers. Mer, Maryellen, Juliana, and Abby.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My baby is mobile
Okay so last Sunday after church, Iain crawled forward 2 feet and than fall on his nose. Up till last week Iain has only crawled backwards. But today, again after church, he crawled 5 feet not once but 4 times. It was so exciting. I can't believe how much Iain has learned over the last week.
On a sad note. Yesterday Iain was in his walker and his Barney stuffed animal was under him (and Brian and I didn't realize that it was there), he toppled over and hit his head on the piano. He has a nice bump on his head.
Oh, Iain still won't let me or anyone get a picture of his 2 teeth. He puts his tongue over them to hide them whenever we try and get a look at them. I will get a picture of them one day when he least expects it.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Guess What?
Iain has gotten another tooth. Brian and I woke up Friday morning to find that it had broken through sometime during the night. That means our baby has count them two teeth. Boy are we in trouble. (The stink bug won't allow us to get a picture of his new pearly whites. One day he'll let his guard down and I'll have my camera ready!)
On an exciting note... Iain crawled forward 2 feet today after church. But than promptly fell flat on his nose and started to cry very hard. All he wanted for 45 minutes was to be held by his daddy. (I'm hoping that I can catch him crawling on film when he does it again).
On a sad note...Iain has no interest in sleeping through the night. Unless he has hit a growth spurt or his exhausted from being in a car all day long. And when I get him on a routine that is prefect for me (or any routine for that matter) he'll sleep through the night for 3-4 days but he adapts to it (the stink bug) and I'm right back to him waking every 3 hours. Ahhhh.
One day I will wake up and find that he has slept through the night every night for a week (Now won't that be grand).
Craft - Pay it forward
Okay, so a friend of mine has started this thing the first three people to comment on her blog with receive a hand-made gift in a year from her. And I commented on her blog, so I have to do the same.
Many of you know that I love to craft, so this was a great post for me to comment on because I have to pay it forward.
So if you are one of the first three to comment on this blog, I promise to send you a hand-made gift before the year is up (we're talking a year from today) and ship it.
So the catch is: if you leave a comment, you than in turn have to post a similar post on your blog. And promise to hand-make and ship a gift to three of your friends that comment before a year is up.
It does not matter what you make, it's the thought that really counts here. Just have fun and enjoy the spirit of giving to some one.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Snow Day....
Happy Halloween- 2009
Iain was a pumpkin and a clown for Ha Halloween this year. Both of his grandmothers b ought him a custom. Though the clown c custom was a tad bit big on my boy (I have to find the card that the clown custom pictures are on).
So, we had a few trick-or-treaters, a lot more than we had the first year we were married in southern VA.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trunk or Treat 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Breaking News...
Iain Has gotten his first tooth. He is 5 months old. I can't believe he has one now. Brian and his siblings didn't get there firth teeth till they were a year or more. And I got mine at 3 months. I guess Iain takes after me, at least when it comes to this.
(Still can't get pictures to load (maybe I'll get Brian or my father-in-law to look into it).
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Iain's 6month stats
So, this morning Brian and I took Iain to get his 6month shots. We learned that he weights 18lbs 14oz (which puts him in the 80% for his age group), 27 1/4 inches long (which puts him in the 95% for length), and him head was 17 1/2 inches (I don't know what that is in cm, but it puts him in the 85% for his age group), we have a very healthy and active little boy.
Iain is rolling all over the place, has learned to make his walker go the way he wants it to, and he is trying to crawl (whatever will I do!).
He has added green bean to his list of foods he likes. He also LOVES to suck on celery (who knew...?). Drinking out of mommy's, daddy's, and auntie Julie's water glass is a lot of fun and Iain will get MAD if he doesn't get to drink from our glass.
He still isn't sleeping through the night (anyone know how to get an infant to sleep all night long). Hopefully, I'll have him doing that before we fly to VA on Nov. 19th for Thanksgiving.
I know, you're all thinking 'where are the pictures she said she would put up?'. Something is wrong with loading pictures at the moment. I'll keep trying but it may take a little while. Hopefully I'll have it worked out by tomorrow...but we'll see.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The great grandparents from UT came to visit
On October 7th, Brian's grandparents on his dad's side, came to visit us. It has been great having them here with us. But sadly they are flying back to UT in the morning.
Iain has enjoyed getting to know them.
I will post pictures tomorrow (I hope to anyway).
Monday, October 12, 2009
Antics of the day
Iain was following his Aunt Julie's cup and started to bag for a sip of her water. It was too funny. He also likes to drink his pear juice out of cup not his bottle. What a funny little man we have.
Last Friday we got some exciting news....Brian may have a job at last for few weeks.
family milestone,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Together for 2 years
Brian and I have been married for two years now. I can't believe how much as changed for us and how much has stayed the same.
I love him more today than I did a year ago and even more than the day I married him.
Brian is the best husband and he is also my best friend. I'm so glad that we found our way to one an other. It took a few years to get to the alter but once we did it has been a wonderful start to our eternity. It may not be smooth sailing, we have hit our share of bumps but I wouldn't trade the last two years for anything because it is only the beginning, we have many years yet to live.
Brian is a wonderful father to our sweet son. I can't believe how much having a child changes how you look at someone. When I look at Brian I see the love that he has for our son. And I know in my heart that I can't wait to give him more children. The love the shines from him is so wonderful. I know that he wouldn't change anything over the last two years of our life together.
Things haven't all ways been the easiest for us but I know if we hold onto one another and stay true to the gospel and keep the covenants that we made on our wedding day that everything will turn out fine.
I'm so glad that I married a man that could take me to the Temple to be married for all eternity and who has the priesthood. And who can still take me to the temple.
Friday, October 9, 2009
He's getting so big
Iain reached two milestones this past week. First he learned to sit up by himself with out any aid from me or his daddy. Secondly he has rolled from his tummy to his back. Iain is a rolling machine. My little rolly-polly.
I can't believe that he is almost 6months on the 23rd of this month.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Finished croqueted gifts
I have finally finished some of the gifts that I started for some friends and family that are expecting/have had their babies. Now to mail them. I hope to make it to the post office this week.
Julie is here...And a birthday
Okay so on Friday Julie and Marlene finally got here. After driving from VA.
Julie finally moved to Colorado, I so happy. I finally have a work out partner (so I'll finally be able to lose the baby weight, yeah!).
Iain is so excited that his aunt is here to play.
So, Friday was also Marlene's birthday. Her very first as a grandma. Brian and I made an orange flavor bunt cake. The birthday candles that we had were duds, the wicks were too short, so they burnt out before Marlene could blow them out. Oh well, there's always next year.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Stephanie
My niece, Stephanie is 8 years old today. And I can't wait to see her and her brother in November.
She is such a sweet girl and so special. I can't believe that she is in second grade.
My sister's family is Catholic and last May Stephanie had her first communion. Where she became a member of their congregation. I'm so proud of her. She had to memorize all the saints and Catholic prayers (there are a lot of them).
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Home Home to Braddock Road!!
Okay so we are going to be in VA for Thanksgiving this year. Iain and I fly out of Colorado on the 18th and are staying till the 30th. Brian fly's out on the 24th til the 30th. I'm so excited. My family and friends are going to met Iain for the first time. Yeah Yeah. Do the happy dance.
It's Iain first Thanksgiving and his first plane ride. And the first time his is meeting my siblings, grandparents, and mommy's friends that are more like family.
I can't wait for the holiday season to be here. This year is going to be so much fun.
But I've never traveled alone with a baby before so this is my first time to do that. And this is also my first Thanksgiving as a mommy (so exciting) and Brian's as a daddy.
What will this month hold for us
Iain is 5months old as of yesterday. And he learned so much the last 4months that I'm excited to see what happens next.
I'm also hoping that this next month brings so changes for Brian and I. We're hoping that these things happen:
- Brian finds a job
- He finishes the basement
- Brian gets his range back for vocal, horn, and french horn (so he can audition for the Army band the first week of November)
- Iain sleep for more than 3 hours at night
- Family
- The gospel
- The Temple
- Eternal marriage
- Heavenly Father's plan
- Our new ward here in Colorado
- Each other
- Our son
- grandparents that take the baby so we can have alone time
- Our car
- and for the love we have for each other and the love that Heavenly Father shows us each and every day
Monday, September 21, 2009
I'm so grateful for temples. They truly are the house of the Lord.
Being able to go to the temple and to know I'm worthy to enter the Lord's house and help with His work, is just amazing.
I'm also thankful for eternal marriage. Not growing up being sealed to an eternal family wasn't always the easiest. Because I knew my family would be slit up after we passed from this life. So, when Brian asked me to marry him I was so excited because I know it would be for eternity. Now that we have a son we are adding to that eternal bond that Brian's family began so long ago. I hope that one day I will be able to seal my ancestors together, so that both sides of our families can be together forever.
Learning new things
Iain is sitting up all by himself, pushing himself all over the floors in his walker,sticking his tongue out at me and everyone else, he's even sucking on his bottom lip, and is totally loving sucking on his toes.
Iain eats like a champ (only 4oz bottles he doesn't want any more or any less). So during the day he eats every 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 hours but at night he eats every 3 (so that means I get very little sleep at night). Oh yeah, Iain loves his rice cereal (only once a day and normally he gets that right before bed).
I marvel at this little boy and how much he is learning/discovering daily. He is still quite depended on Brian and I for all his daily needs/wants but I would die for him. He is just so special. And I'm looking forward to the day that he learns to talk and to say mama.I'm so glad that he has chosen to be part of our eternal family.
I'm so bored....Marriage Tag
- How Long have we been Married? almost 2 years
- How old is your husband? 26years, 9months, and 5days
- Who eats more? He does
- Who said "I Love You" first? He did back in April of 2007
- Who is taller? He is
- Who sings better? He does
- Who is smarter? Depends on the subject matter
- Who controls the T.V. ? We watch the same shows and we take turns being in control of the remote
- Whose temper is worse? Mine (I think)
- Who does the dishes? We take turns
- Who sleeps on the right? I do
- Who cooks? We take turns (but I do it most of the time)
- Who is more stubborn? We're about equal
- Who admits they are wrong first? I do
- Whose parents do you see more? His
- Who has more siblings? I do
- Who has more friends? I keep in touch with more of my friends than he does.
- Who wears the pants? We both do equally, decisions are made together when they concern our family.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My Sister Jennifer
Okay I said I would pick one person close to my family to write about...and this week I've picked my older sister, Jennifer Lynn Nee Bartoletti.
I met Jenn when I moved into her parents house in 1998, I had been placed there as a foster child. The first time I went to their house was just to met them, to see if their home was a good placement for me. Big Jenn was there and she liked at Dad and asked him if the three of us wanted to take the dogs (Lincoln and Charlie) for a walk around Royal Lake. I wasn't wearing tennis shoes, so she let me borrow a pair of hers.
I guess since I don't have a great relationship with my biological sister, I was looking for that older sister that I could look up to and go to for advice. I was comfortable around Jenn and her parents, so much so that I was/am able to call them my family. And that I asked Jenn to be a brides maid in my wedding because I knew that she would always support and be there for me and my growing family.
Am so glad that I can call Jenn my sister.
A Look Back part 7
Okay hopefully I can finally finish writing about Iain's birth and first few days with us. We'll see I depends on how sleepy I get.
Well where was I... Oh yeah I remember.
- I was taken to my postpartum room after delivery. Shortly after arriving to my room Iain decided that he wanted to eat, so he was brought to my room. Where I nursed him. Brian and I made the decision that Iain would sleep in the Nursery, one door down from my room, so that well we were at the hospital we would be able to get a little sleep. (Yeah right, sleep. Iain wanted to eat every hour and half and I mean EVERY hour and a half. He was and is a little piggy).
- While in the hospital we signed up for Healthy Beginnings (a free lactation service for nursing moms at the hospital I delivered at). We started working with a lady named Becky, who is a lactation consulted while we were still at the hospital(nursing is hard, who ever said it was easy must have never done it) and are still working with her (though I'm no longer nursing because Iain decided that he had had enough. He was 6 and half weeks old). As a couple, Brian and I decided to pump (until I got to the point that I just wasn't enjoying feeding my son (by this point I had been pumping for 13weeks (Brian and I decided to continue for a few more months).
- Friday the 24th of April was a very slow day. Iain got his first dose of Hep B, was circumcised, had his blood drawn, and a hearing test all in one day. The hospital photographer wanted to take his new born pictures but I said that he had had a long day with everything he had been through that Saturday was a better day for pictures. I got up and walked down to the nursery and back for the first time (man can I tell you that I was wabbly and a little numb from the day/night before.
- I got to talk to my mom and dad for a few minutes on the phone.
- Brian went home to take a shower and get some clean clothes. He also picked up some things that I had forgotten to pack in my bag.
- Brian's dad and younger brother came to visit again and to take pictures of Iain. We also talked to Leslie, Chris, Julie, and Brian's mom who were in VA when Iain was born. (Because Leslie had had her baby on the 12th of April).
- The guys who were remolding the master bathroom sent me some very pretty flowers and balloons.
- Iain slept in the Nursery again, so we could get some sleep.
- That morning my doctor came into check me and proscribe me pain meds. She said that she wanted to keep me in the hospital till Monday but that there had been so many deliveries the night before and that morning, she had been over ruled and Iain and I were being released. (She wanted to make sure I wasn't going to have any complications from all the fluids that were pumped into me during labor and delivery).
- Brian and I went to the discharge class (Becky was teaching it). During the class we were told how much weight we were able to carry (10lbs), Becky turns to me and says "except for you, that's only the baby." the other women being discharged turn to me and all of them say "your the woman who had that chubby baby boy, he is so cute and he doesn't cry." Brian and I sign all the papers that we needed to sign and than went back to my room.
- Shortly after getting back to my room, the photographer was waiting for us to take Iain's picture. We asked her if she could come back in about an hour so that we could get the baby dressed and I could take a shower.
- I get cleaned up and we call the nursery to have Iain brought to our room. I feed him and Brian gets him dressed for his pictures. The photographer comes back to take his picture. They turned out so cute.
- After the photographer leaves Brian starts to pack up all of our stuff and takes some of it to the car. When he gets back to my room with the car sit so we can put Iain into it. The nurse makes sure we are putting the baby into it and than she walks with us the round about in front of the hospital.
- We all get into the car to go home.
- The drive home was murder on my healing body (I HATE speed humps/bumbs whatever you want to call them).
- When we got to the house, we took Iain up stairs and went into our room for a little bit.
- Brian and I changed Iain's outfit and took a nap. (It sure was hard for me to get into our bed for the next few days.
- After we woke up and changed his diaper and fed him we went out into the loft to get Iain some sunshine and to watch T.V. for a little bit. Darrell and Mark made us lunch and brought it up stairs to Brian and I. (Because I wasn't allowed to go up and down stairs more than once or twice during the day. And frankly, I wasn't going to be moving from the couch till I had to).
I said I would never be like those women
Growing up I didn't understand when women with small babies would want another baby so soon. And I always said that I wasn't okay to even think about having my children so close together (seriously I'm NOT pregnant just ranting and dreaming). But I totally get why moms would say that they wanted another one. Babies just grow up to dang fast and before you know it they aren't the little cuddle bugs that they were when they were born but these little people with a mind of their very own. They are trying to take your drinking glass out of your hands and though they still can't talk they are very opinionated and quite vocal about everything. Moving all over the place and never slowing down.
So though I want another little baby to add to our small family, I think I'll wait a year or so. Because Iain is the center of my world (along with his handsome daddy). I like the fact that it is just the three of us. (Because frankly getting one baby ready to go out is hard enough).
Before we add to our small family...I want to lose all (and I mean ALL) the weight I gained with Iain and I would like to travel a little more with Brian.
After all is said and done I still think those women are nuts but I understand what they are thinking now that I have a baby.
Has it really been five months already
Our pictures are in....Yeah!
Monday, September 14, 2009
New tricks for baby
Ok, Iain is almost 19lbs and still 25 1/2 inches long. Iain is now sitting up and making a clicking sound with his tongue. My boy is so smart, gotta love it.
I so lucky to be this sweet boy's mother and am looking forward to the day the we have more children (no I'm not expecting) and I get to see him in all his big brother glory.
Watching the Wright kids...
Ok, so on Friday a friend of mine form church, who I work out with asked me if I could watch her girls till Monday morning. The person that she had asked first had a death in the family and wouldn't be able to take them till Monday morning. I said that it wouldn't be a problem.
So, Saturday night Brian and I (with Iain along for the ride) we went over to dinner at their house so that we could get the meet the older girls and to ask some questions about their routine. The Wright girls are 14, 12, 5, and 2 years old.
The next morning very very early ( oh-dark-hundred, we're talking even earlier than seminary), Brian, Iain, and I get ready to go over to the Wright's house. Where we get them up and ready for church. (Which we were actually on time for this week. It's really hard to get up when you have a new baby and are still not sleeping at night). But we did it. But by the end of church (all three hours of it) I was ready for a nap.
My routine with Iain is Sunday after church he and I go up to my room (or the recliner) and we take a nap together. It was kinda hard doing that at someone else house where a 2 year old lives. (Two year old girls are quite the noise makers).
We got them to bed by their bed times and we were able to sit and relax and watch some TV and talk. ( Which is quite nice I love spending time with my sweet husband).
By this morning we were ready to leave and go back to our routine.
I'm so glad we got this opportunity to see what it may be like when we have more children. But I'm glad that for right now we only have Iain.
baby sitting
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Iain has found a friend
Iain has now reached a new mile stone.... He has found himself in the mirror (well he thinks that its a different baby). He gets a big kick out of seeing his face. Big smile and laughing at the mirror. And he'll get mad if I turn hi m away from the mirror. Just thought I would share.
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Yesterday after I gave Iain his bath, I asked Brian to get on the scale so that we could check and see how much Iain weighs. Well, after Brian weighed himself I handed Iain to him and low an' behold Iain weighs 18lbs. (No wonder my back hurts by the end of the day). We have a big boy, who is almost five months old. (Holy moly, whatever will we do).
Brian and I have been talking about what direction we should be taking in our life together. We have made it a matter of prayer and we fill that the US Army is the right place for us, well at this point in our lives (well for our little family anyways).
So it looks like January Brian is going to be at basic.
But I'm glad that this limbo we've been in is going to be over.
Maybe now Brian and I can start thinking of adding to our family...I'm thinking a kitten. Anyone agree with me?
Well, I still need to finish A Look Back...Maybe later. But I will finish that.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Iain is 4 months old
At Iain's four month well baby check up, he weighed 16lbs and was 25 1/2 inches long (and his head was 17inches). I have a very healthy boy.
He is doing so well, that his doctor said that we can give him some rice cereal and juice. He seems to like rice cereal. But I'm too chicken to try the juice.
So far Motherhood has been a very enjoyable ride so far. I love being a mommy and Brian loves being a daddy.
Iain is just a joy to be around. And he is just all giggles and smiles the last two months. He has started to really babble and sing all the time, he even rolls over (he never stops rolling). He is so full of energy. Iain adores his mommy and daddy, and his grandparents. His whole face lights up when any of us come into his line of vision.
I'll try and post more of the a look back. I know that section is long but I really want to document the beginning of Iain life (well the first few weeks of it any way).
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Look Back Part 6 (pictures)
Picture taken Memorial Day week-end.
- More about our first few days as a family and more pictures to come. Hopefully I'll be up to date before my parents come to visit.
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