
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Yesterday after I gave Iain his bath, I asked Brian to get on the scale so that we could check and see how much Iain weighs. Well, after Brian weighed himself I handed Iain to him and low an' behold Iain weighs 18lbs. (No wonder my back hurts by the end of the day). We have a big boy, who is almost five months old. (Holy moly, whatever will we do). Brian and I have been talking about what direction we should be taking in our life together. We have made it a matter of prayer and we fill that the US Army is the right place for us, well at this point in our lives (well for our little family anyways). So it looks like January Brian is going to be at basic. But I'm glad that this limbo we've been in is going to be over. Maybe now Brian and I can start thinking of adding to our family...I'm thinking a kitten. Anyone agree with me? Well, I still need to finish A Look Back...Maybe later. But I will finish that.

1 comment:

Mer said...

Ah!! Welcome to the club, my friend! Does he know which MOS (job) he wants yet? He should call and talk with Cameron or my dad if he hasn't signed his papers yet -- they've both been through it and can give him some good advice.

Email me/facebook message me if you get a chance -- I'm buried in busy and can't get to my phone today.