
Sunday, November 15, 2009

My baby is mobile

Okay so last Sunday after church, Iain crawled forward 2 feet and than fall on his nose. Up till last week Iain has only crawled backwards. But today, again after church, he crawled 5 feet not once but 4 times. It was so exciting. I can't believe how much Iain has learned over the last week. On a sad note. Yesterday Iain was in his walker and his Barney stuffed animal was under him (and Brian and I didn't realize that it was there), he toppled over and hit his head on the piano. He has a nice bump on his head. Oh, Iain still won't let me or anyone get a picture of his 2 teeth. He puts his tongue over them to hide them whenever we try and get a look at them. I will get a picture of them one day when he least expects it.

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