
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Guess What?

Iain has gotten another tooth. Brian and I woke up Friday morning to find that it had broken through sometime during the night. That means our baby has count them two teeth. Boy are we in trouble. (The stink bug won't allow us to get a picture of his new pearly whites. One day he'll let his guard down and I'll have my camera ready!) On an exciting note... Iain crawled forward 2 feet today after church. But than promptly fell flat on his nose and started to cry very hard. All he wanted for 45 minutes was to be held by his daddy. (I'm hoping that I can catch him crawling on film when he does it again). On a sad note...Iain has no interest in sleeping through the night. Unless he has hit a growth spurt or his exhausted from being in a car all day long. And when I get him on a routine that is prefect for me (or any routine for that matter) he'll sleep through the night for 3-4 days but he adapts to it (the stink bug) and I'm right back to him waking every 3 hours. Ahhhh. One day I will wake up and find that he has slept through the night every night for a week (Now won't that be grand).

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