
Sunday, January 3, 2010

To Allie

Not many of my friends have children and its sometimes hard to remember to call them when the day to day stuff drags you down. I'm so glad that I have friends that don't fault me for not calling or writing. I honestly don't know where I would be if I wasn't able to call my snuggle buddy and rant to her about the stresses of parenthood and how I always seem to forget where I put my purse and wallet. And she will just laugh with me not at me. She is truly a bright spot in my day. I can call and tell her the cute and sweet things that Iain did on any given day. Or just rant and rave about the stupid crape that is happening in my life. She makes me see a different point of view and makes me feel better. She loves my husband for the goofy person that he is and just except him for him. She treats him like family even before he and I were engaged. She is the best 'Auntie' that junior snuggle buddy has that isn't related by blood or marriage.

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