
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My sister-in-law, Leslie

Leslie holding her sleeping baby boy, Gabriel.
Leslie and her husband Chris, meeting their nephew Iain, for the first time at her uncle's funeral.
Leslie at her aunt's house, holding her son and nephew.
I think it would be fun to pick someone that is important to our family and write a little about them. So here it goes...Today I'll pick Leslie. Leslie is Brian's older sister. And one of my favorite people. I haven't known her for very long but I know I can count on her for anything. I know I can call her for advice about pretty much anything. Remember those poems we all did in grade school, where we take each letter of our name and come up with a word that starts with that letter. I'm going to do that with Leslie's name. So here goes... L- loving E- energetic S- small L- laughter I- intelligent E- Easter D- delightful A- advice W- wow N- nice S- insightful M- mother A- a sweet woman L- loyal L- loved Well, I'm not sure if I did the poem thingy right, but it's my blog and I'll do it any old way I like.

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