- So today well I was talking to my mom on the phone. I told her that Iain has really started to jabber. And he said it too. What surprised me more than him saying jabber was that he kept saying it. Well after Brian came home Iain said tickle tickle. Iain was trying to tickle Brian's feet and started saying tickle tickle. It was so funny. Brian and I were laughing so hard that my sides started to hurt.
- I've been wondering when our boy was going to start talking. Yeah I know he says words but he didn't repeat them when you ask him to. But all of a sudden he does. And its amazing. I'm so proud of my baby. And you know what I'm doing something right. He is learning and fast. It's something new every day.
- Oh yeah I have a question for the other moms out there. Do you children know how to open the child proof locks and gates? Because Iain does. And it's kinda scary. I'll be in the kitchen cooking and here the basement/bathroom/garage door open and there is a gate in front of the hallway. And I freak out every time. Or we'll be playing and he disappear and I'll hear nothing until I hear him giggle. And he'll have the cabinet under the sink open and he'll take the dishwasher tablets out (he likes to put it in the dishwasher) so I'm not worried that he'll put it in his mouth. But still scary that he can open these things that are at times adult proof and he is only 17 months old.
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