
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The beginning of the Month

I realize the late hour and it's not March 1st any more (I got hung up reading another blog). I also know I should be in bed asleep, like my husband but I'm not I'm here at the computer writing a little bit on our blog. I have come to the conclusion that the last week and a few days, haven't been all that great for my marriage and for the health of my small family. I've been very argumentative and stringent with my dealing with my husband and his mother, (I live with my in-laws which isn't always the easiest thing to do). I know that when I feel that I've been backed into a corner that I will come out fighting (though I've been trying to stop and think before I do or say anything. But I don't always do that. I fail but I keep trying, that's the point of why we're here on earth right). I'm trying to be a better example to my young son and to my husband. I don't always follow his counsel (like I know I should, he is the Priesthood holder in our family). It's heard for me to follow anyone because for so long I was the one the made the decisions in my life. But I'm married now and it's not all about me now, it's us and we. And I made covenants when I went through the temple for my endowment and when I married Brian, and I'm trying to always remember them. I didn't always follow the spirit when I was prompted too when I was younger, but I've been trying to follow the promptings of the spirit as I've been married and became a mother. I've been praying about when we should add another child to our small family of 3 and we have decided that it may not be the ideal time to have another child now (and our families may kill us) but we feel that the spirit is telling us to have another child sooner rather than later (like we had planned, but we all know where planning got us with the first baby). We may not get pregnant right away (because of the Mirania (an IUD) it can take up to a year after it has been removed and I have cysts all over the place and have to wait till they shrink before we(I) get pregnant again. And Brian is going to be auditioning for the Army band in May and after his audition will leave for basic training (9weeks long) and after he graduates from basic he will leave for 32weeks of his MOS training (who knows where that will be). But Iain and I will be staying here in Denver CO till Brian gets stationed somewhere (and we find a place to live). (This is what I meant by NOT ideal situation). But I see a light at the end of this very long and dark tunnel that has been the last year and change, there is a bend in the road (yippe). I'm glad that things are looking up for Brian and I and that we can finally start thinking about our family and re-start making plans and dreaming about our future together (instead of only looking at tomorrow).

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