
Sunday, April 4, 2010

ER visit number 2

Iain wake up this morning at 2:30am with a fever and the cough that he has had for two days had gotten worst. And by 4am Brian and I decided that we needed to take Iain into the ER to see if a doctor could figure out why he seemed to be in pain when he coughed. We got to the ER and got right in (seriously we didn't have to wait very long). Iain's temperature was 103.3 and the admitted doctor was a bit worried about his cough and how high his fever was. When we got to the room and the attending doctor looked at Iain, said that his ears looked great (so not an ear infection), his throat looked good, but he could hear something in his lungs, so he ordered a chest x-ray. One of the nurses gave him a nabulizer treatment to help with the cough. It did wonders, Iain fall asleep after it was done and stayed asleep till 10am (which was wonderful, my poor baby was so tired). The nurse took his temperature again and it was 101.7 so they wanted us to stay till it was down. An hour later the nurse came back in and it was 97.5 (normal thank goodness) so she said we could go home. Before we left the nurse told us that Iain weighs 24lbs (he's only 11months 12days old) When we got back home we all just went to bed. I put Iain in bed between us and we all slept. When Iain woke up Brian took Iain and asked Marlene if she wouldn't mind watching Iain so that the two of us could get some more sleep. A while later (I think around 11:50) Julie brought him back into us because he was sleepy and the three of us slept till 1:50pm. When we got up to loin the family for a picnic lunch in the back yard. After lunch we watch the last session of conference (thank goodness for DVR so Brian and I can watch the 3rn session this week). The little Easter egg hunt that we had planned for Iain will have to wait till he is feeling better. The Easter Bunny brought Iain a blue stuffed bunny. How was your Easter?

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